Response to ‘PSA Shaken by Resignations’
In its last issue, The Link ran the article, “Pakistani Student Association shaken by resignations,” (Vol.31, Iss.2, Aug. 31) in which two former VPs accused the president of the PSA, Yassir Aziz, of religious discrimination. They assert that a speaker’s religion was the reason an event was abruptly cancelled, an allegation the president denies.
The formal reason the CSU was given was that the event was cancelled due to a perceived security risk. In situations like these, it is always difficult to determine the facts of the story. The CSU has no reason to believe that any statements made about Aziz regarding this event are true since he has been transparent in his communications with us from the beginning.
However, there were a number of errors made in the planning for this event, which all clubs should be made aware of as they plan their own. If the legitimate reason for canceling this event was concern that safety and security could not be assured, there is a serious problem. This kind of perceived threat cannot be tolerated. Any club finding itself in this position should immediately alert the CSU as well as Campus Security.
Another important point that needs to be stressed is that no form of discrimination will be tolerated by any of the clubs or their events. The CSU does not interfere with the planning of club events and believes that this decision is completely up to the executives who have the responsibility to represent their membership’s interests and diversity. All CSU clubs are void of any discriminatory policies by race, gender, age or religion and the CSU is actively involved in ensuring that all of its events on campus reflect this open policy.
Anyone who suspects discrimination of any kind is encouraged to take action by using channels such as the CSU Judicial Board or mediation by the VP Clubs or Clubs Director to resolve similar internal issues.
—Heather Lucas,
CSU President
This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 04, published September 7, 2010.