Natasha Young
Fringe Arts
Secret Feelings
Owain Lawson, of local noise rock outfit Black Feelings, would like to assure you that his band is not nearly as gloomy as its name suggests.
Fringe Arts
Finding Your Native Tongue
Austin Tufts, drummer for Montreal quartet Braids, is bringing bagels back to the band’s shared Outremont apartment when I reach him on the phone.
Separation of Church & Crib
It should be obvious why the Quebec government wants to ban religious teaching in all publicly subsidized daycares and schools.
Freethinkers on Campus
Let’s face it: religion is on the decline in Western culture. A growing number of people—particularly in younger demographics—need more than faith and the threat of hellfire to base their life decisions on.
Fringe Arts
Eye of the Storm
Don’t be fooled by the name of Valleys new EP Stoner.
As lead songstress Matilda Perks explained, the EP’s matter-of-fact title isn’t intended as an adjective for the band or their music, but comes from a book by John Williams. -
Fringe Arts
Indie Montreal meets Project Noise
Over the past two years, Indie Montreal has become a catalyst in promoting the local music scene, offering a stage for bands too small-time for the city’s other indie promoters, but too hot to ignore.
Fringe Arts
Lost and Found
Erin Lang has a unique presence. She is unmistakably an artist. Her music is the aural epitome of softness. She sings in a hushed, girlish whisper, backed by well-paced melodies.
Fringe Arts
Experimental Experience
When I spoke to Jon Cohen, he and the rest of the Jon Cohen Experimental, which consists of drummer Sebastian Cote and bass player Ken Martin, were in the misty city of Charlottetown, P.E.I. prepping to play a venue called The Alibi.
Screw Project Noise
I just wanted to express how strongly I agree with and support last week’s editorial piece on “Project Noise” [Vol. 31, Iss. 4, Pg. 23].
Fringe Arts
The Dø are a happy accident. After being left to their own devices while working on a soundtrack for a French film, members Olivia Merilahti and Dan Levi couldn’t find the words to say goodbye to each other. So they didn’t.
Fringe Arts
Man About Town
Jack Dylan has been un flâneur about town for years and he didn’t even know it.
Fringe Arts
Vintage vixens
Vintage has become more than just a style for Brooke Doyle and Becky Emlaw. What many fashion-savvy people consider a hobby has become these ladies’ livelihoods.
Fringe Arts
Arcade Fire fails to bring the heat
I fell in love with Arcade Fire with the release of their groundbreaking album Funeral and had my devotion reignited with Neon Bible. I don’t believe there is much chance or much point in trying to accomplish what previous albums did. According to the interviews given upon the release of this new single, it seems the band agrees with me.