Barton Flats
Comic by Jonathan Woods
False Knees
Comic by Joshua Barkman
Photo of the Week: Sports
Some of the world’s most renowned cyclists convened in Montreal this weekend for the third edition Grand Prix Cycliste de Montréal.
No-Strings Fling
I am in a relationship and very happy, I should also mention I am a male. I also have a friend who is a female, and she is also in a happy relationship. We are very good friends and I would love to have no-strings-attached sex with her. Is it wrong for me to bring the topic up with her? We would both maintain our very happy relationships, but just have like a one-time hook-up. —Mission Impossible
Barton Flats
Comic by Jonathan Woods
False Knees
Comic by Joshua Barkman
POP Montreal Contest
Win tickets to POP Montreal, just come say hi at our orientation table September 12!
Total Prolapse of the Butt
I have a question regarding a most unfortunate incident I recently saw in a pornographic film.
A Second Chance
Did you like that tumultuous time when you didn’t understand what was going on with your body, your emotions or your hormones?
Barton Flats
Comic by Jonathan Woods