Now that I’ve been writing for The Link for an entire month of the new school year, I reckon we know each other well enough for me to share this with you, so let me tell you stories about my childhood.
Revealing Your Scars
I’m a young woman who had infected sweat glands in my groin and armpit area as a teenager, which left faint scars. I have always been incredibly self-conscious about the marks (they resemble chicken pox scars) but I know it isn’t normal and could look weird from a guy’s perspective.
The Link App (Beta)
Be the first to try the Beta version of our Android App. Features include easily scrollable section rows, articles available for offline reading, customizable font and text size…
Graphic by Clément Liu
Barton Flats
Comic by Jonathan Woods
False Knees
Comic by Joshua Barkman
Interview With Jen of We Happy Trans
I had the privilege this week of interviewing my beautiful friend Jen, of We Happy Trans fame. We met online, where we managed to discuss Kant and flirt for all the world to see. She kindly agreed to answer my questions.
Playing With Your Glue Stick
When I was a teenager, I used to hate masturbating in the shower, despite the fact that it sometimes was the only place I could do it.
If you were at the Loyola Quad Friday night, then you probably wound up soaking wet from a torrential downpour. But before that, you also got a taste of one of the most interesting and fastest-moving bands out of Toronto right now.
What are the Benefits to an Androgynous Society?
Imagine that you’ve landed on another planet where the inhabitants are human beings who have no gender, except for once a month when they have sex.