Katie McGroarty
What Went Wrong With the CSU’s Orientation Concert Plans
With the passing of the torch came the binders of instructions on how to go about being Concordia’s new student union.
Fringe Arts
In-House Artists
Someone who obviously never brought their textbooks to the bar once said something like this: You have three options during university. You can get enough sleep, have a social life, or get good grades—but you can only pick two of them.
Fringe Arts
Event Listings September 5 to 11
Music, performance, visual art and more happening in Montreal.
Feeling Disoriented
In late August of previous years, the Concordia Student Union has plastered the campus with posters and handed out flyers detailing the year’s Orientation schedule.
Fringe Arts
Vintage Made Easy
Thrift shopping tends to be, more often than not, a needle-in-a-haystack sort of situation.
Fringe Arts
Spoke, Line & Sinker
Just like choosing between fixed-gear and 10-speed, or between vintage and new, how you lock your bike—U-lock or chain, key or combination—is just as important.
Fringe Arts
Found Footage Films Showcased
Instead of debating the advantages or merits of different schools and styles, as film students typically do, Concordia’s Advanced Montage class decided to do something a little different—they’re going to combine them.
Fringe Arts
Burlesque Gets Brainy
“I don’t understand why the job is illegal—there’s just something about that that drives me fucking mental,” said sex worker, activist and performer Alex Tigchelaar. Her cabaret-style multimedia theatre production, Les demimondes, which debuts March 30, aims to show you why.
Walking Out on FASA
Fine Arts students waited for two hours on March 16 before quorum was reached at their Special General Meeting, which was called to discuss the ongoing Fine Arts Student Alliance strike mandate and to decide whether it should continue.
Fringe Arts
Quiet Space
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes it’s best to take a moment for yourself. To some, that might mean getting a coffee in the middle of the day, or doing nothing for an afternoon without feeling guilty about it.
Special Issue
Greek Life
Let’s face it: the frat boy/sorority girl stereotype was born in the movies.
Fringe Arts
Canvassing the Masses
If you’ve ever felt intimidated by an art show, alienated by performance art or just like you didn’t understand, Aquil Virani wants to teach you a thing or two. “Being an artist is a mental attitude,” he says.
Catering to Concordia
“If you’re a student and you work [for] minimum wage, you’re on a very tight budget,” said kitchen manager Marco Carbone. “We make it easy. We provide hearty, healthy meals that we deliver to your home at a very reasonable cost. It’s win-win for everyone.”
Special Issue
The Way of the Freegan
To most, sustainable shopping is bringing your own bag. But to some, footprint-free groceries means a little more effort—and getting a little dirty. If you’re annoyed with the rising levels of food waste, looking to make a political point or maybe just want some fresh bread, what’s sitting inside Montreal’s dumpsters could be a treasure waiting to be unearthed.
Fringe Arts
A Musical Education
Dinosaur Bones are the real thing. Not in the regenerated-from-fossilized-amber sort of way, but rather a group of guys from Ontario roaming the country sharing their not-so-Jurassic sounds. Armed with a slightly haunting brand of guitar-driven indie pop, these guys are in it for the long haul.
How ConU Stole Christmas
Concordia University is heading to court to settle a case with support staff who say the administration stole their holidays.
Fringe Arts
More Than Meets the Eye
When you first look at a piece of art, the process that was required to create it is not always obvious. Sometimes, something that looks intricate and endlessly complex was the result of an hour or two of work.
Fringe Arts
Weekly Spins
Snævar Njáll Albertsson is a cute, bearded Danish guy who makes music under the moniker Dad Rocks! He plays happy-go-lucky folk-pop that could probably pass as a children’s album if it wasn’t for the occasional profanity.
Fringe Arts
Inspiration in Isolation
The cover of Malajube’s most recent album depicts a weird, glowing geometric house. Maybe not as strange as the lung-butterfly creature on the cover of their Polaris Prize-nominated 2006 album Trompe-l’oeil, but it’s still a little odd.