Event Listings September 12 to 18 | Fringe Arts – The Link

Event Listings September 12 to 18

The Link’s Event Picks for the Upcoming Week

Faux Pas de Deux at M60 Photo courtesy Loren Williams


    Sept. 13 – 15 M60: The Montreal 60 Second Film Festival at Excentris Doors 8:00 p.m. / $8.00 article


    Sept 18 Literary Death Match at Sala Rossa Doors 7 p.m. Show 8:15 p.m. / $7 pre-order $10 door


    Sept. 15 Blue Light Burlesque at Café Campus $20.00 advance $27.50 door

    Sept. 12 – 15 Bea: A Double-Spaced Theatre Production at Conservatoire d’art dramatique $12.00 student $17.00 general

    Sept 13 – 30 Where the Blood Mixes at Centre Culturel Calixa-Lavallée $12.00 students, $20.00 for adults article


    Sept 14-16 Comiccon at Palais de Congrès Tickets $20-$35 article


    Sept. 12 Mt. Eerie at La Sala Rossa 8:30 p.m. / $15


    Sept. 14 Drink With The Link at Brutopia 9 p.m.