Alex Manley
Drink the Kool-Aid
Montreal, forget what your mama told you. It’s time to join a cult—Cult MTL.
Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to too much Nost-orious D.A.M.U.S. lately, but I can’t help but start to worry about the future—specifically, the future of the weather.
Special Issue
Failing the Test
There’s this recurring motif to conversations about films that they don’t actually matter and what goes on in a movie isn’t important—it’s just a movie. It’s not real life.
Special Issue
The Link’s Annual Women’s Issue
First things first—we have made incredible gains. Let us not deny that; let us not forget that, or denigrate that. The women and men who have come before us have brought us to a good, solid place. In many ways, women and men in North America right now are exactly equal.
There’s been some talk in the press lately about students who are pro-tuition hike.
I come to tell you of a great tragedy, one that has gone undiscussed, unrevealed to the public eye for too long. For decades innocent humans have suffered under the tyranny of St. Valentine, their pain untalked about in the media, their misery shunned.
Fringe Arts
A Trail Through the Digital Mountains
Two decades into the Internet era, more writing, more photographs, more video, music and art than could ever be consumed in a lifetime now get created—and uploaded—in a week or so.
Rather than attempt to create new and engaging art in the pretense of a vacuum, artists are now increasingly embracing the clutter, and creating by interacting directly with the mountains of data we produce, and re-contextualizing it.
The day after the Jan. 18 Wikipedia-led symbolic blackout in protest of the American Congress’s imminent vote on the Stop Online Piracy and Protect Intellectual Property Acts, the American government took down
On “No to Movember”
I screwed up. I’m sorry. I’ve been thinking about how to respond to all of your criticisms to my “No to Movember” article all week—to be honest, I’ve been thinking of little else.
Fringe Arts
A Metra Hive of Slush and Villainy
The modern city is a confusing, dangerous and ultimately illogical place—and the modern Canadian city, doubly so.
The Oakland Moment
Up until last week, here’s what I knew about Oakland: It’s in California. It’s across the Bay from San Francisco. And it’s the home of Major League Baseball’s A’s, aka the Athletics, whose team colours are green and gold.
That’s it. -
Fringe Arts
Fight for Your Right to Poetry
In a world where Occupy protests are popping up in public spaces around the globe like revolutionary seedlings, a group of Montreal poets is out to occupy St. Laurent Blvd. this week—but their demands aren’t necessarily about international finance.
Concordia’s Board of Governors seems to think they’re stuck in some sort of 28 Days Later scenario. I think they picture a Concordia campus void of students; building after building empty, wind whistling through unoccupied desks, blackboards gathering dust.
Fringe Arts
Poets en Masse
In the popular imagination, poetry is often conceived of as a solitary activity, featuring a degree of self-involvement that borders on egomania. On Sept. 24, however, poets across the world will be involved in an event that will challenge both of those assumptions.
The process of raising children is one fraught with opportunities for disaster. Milk gets spilled, swear words get learned and occasionally, the wrong lessons get taught. When your kids catch you telling them to do one thing, while you yourself are doing another, you may have to pull out the trusty buffalo gun of hypo- critical parenting: “Do as I say, not as I do.”
Fringe Arts
Short Like a Butterfly, Brief Like a Bee
When people get down to debating where to draw the border between poetry and prose, books like Salvatore DiFalco’s The Mountie at Niagara Falls and other brief stories will certainly get caught in the crossfire.
Fringe Arts
Still Warm From the Prize
If you were living under a rock back in November, or perhaps under a stack of term papers and library books