Poems of the Week | Fringe Arts – The Link

Poems of the Week

Poetry, Curated

Graphic Morag Rahn-Campbell


    By Snoopy

    Title: Criminal

    Interest is criminal in desire without value.
    Interest is criminal with intent outside of purpose.
    Interest is criminal.
    Interest IS criminal.
    Criminal with it’s curiosity shedding consideration,
    Criminal in it’s approach lacking caution,
    Interest is criminal in it’s action without consent.
    Will boredom suffice?
    Only if it exists.
    Illusions are fun,
    Before realizing the criminal in interest.


    By Jazmin Mehrmann

    As I wait for your call
    I’ve chosen to remember
    The way my heels hit the road
    And the sound that echoes
    From the frozen city’s floor

    I see how those cold months
    Of lonely lamplight
    And bloodshot reflection
    Are taut and distant
    In contrast to your affection

    Yet it still holds sway
    And tempts me to stray
    But I pause to consider
    How you’ve pulled me away
    And whether it’s better
    Or if you’ve lead me astray

    Whether or not I am right
    I have always known
    That this feeling will always be
    What I call home
    And the path I will walk
    As I evoke the memory of you
    And this moment

    A Prurient Glance

    RA Mac

    In a space outside of time
    Between the valley and the sky
    They never ask how one comes or goes

    All place to them is foreign
    So accustomed to the familiar slow loping paths
    Their bodies estranged from movement
    They regard the landscape as an extension of their mind

    They deny themselves
    The sexual potential of a field’s plane

    The hills’ gullies understand
    Their connection to the throat



    The most erotic location on the body

    All this to say
    They pass a prurient glance
    To the land
    To themselves
    In passing
    And pass

    Mugwump Metanoia

    By Snoopy

    Title: Mugwump Metanoia

    The careless, care-free and cared for have begun their solicit for anxiety,
    The pipe-line has returned, it must love us.
    The focused few are shedding their irritated skin to feel the acid rain
    Let’s hold hands

    Mugwump mountain is making a move
    Bumbling towards metanoia
    Activists are still standing at a stand still with their heads together
    Lay your head on my chest

    Life is moving away from us so slowly
    It’s nice to take a step back and watch in awe
    Before the separation jitters take hold of where we are meant to be
    We want anything when it’s out of arms reach

    He Asked

    By Jazmin Mehrmann

    We are the spaces between
    All the things that we pretend to be
    The slits that the light shines through
    Are cranked wide by our instances of truth

    Tinsel Tree

    Michael Dutton

    Tinsel tree Above the green Is this real lsd?

    Lily Lullaby

    By Micheal Dutton

    Lily lullaby Soft hair on a leaf A log cabin On a moss mountain