Please Find Attached Two Poems | Special Issue – The Link

Please Find Attached Two Poems

Poetry on Race

    Poems of the Race Issue


    by Taibat Adeyemi

    I learnt more about life in the marketplace than I did at school.
    And Ijoma was my guide.

    How to bargain,
    ignore catcalls,
    which skin colour was worthy of love.

    Ijoma’s yellow smooth skin were the envy of many
    And the knowledge made her whole
    Her dark knuckles reminiscent of what her skin used to look like.

    She visited women that sold bleaching cream
    Women with dark knuckles and burnt yellow skin
    Women who sang to other women with little girls by their side
    “The brighter the skin, the smaller the struggle”
    “The brighter the skin, the earlier the marriage”

    There I was at six watching Ijoma scrub at her skin
    Praying for the colour to go away
    Rubbing poison on her being
    An advocate for the yellow skin
    A guide of another that will wish the brown begone

    I learnt more about life in the marketplace
    Lessons I teach myself to unlearn daily
    With hopes that young girls that were guided there, love all the women in
    themselves they’ve hated, mocked and shamed.

    Whyte Passing

    by Aysha White

    we’ll always have to be a little quieter
    he explained to me as cars swished past cafe paris

    quieter in order to be heard the same way
    whitewashed walls where you’re supposed t— hush

    words used in the evaluation:
    works with door closed, judgemental,
    does not hesitate to share her opinion
    (hesitate more said two
    cold cobalt eyes across the imitation wood desk)
    we feel like we’re
    w a l k
    i n g
    o n
    e g g s h e l l s

    words of wisdom
    never impressed on the rainbow of palepinkpeach

    “I’d love to see you in a sari” (sounds like?/two syll/first syll)
    what can I tell you about that?
    at the time I hadn’t worn one.
    I’d been eagereager as a little girl
    until the usual mild injustices
    Kind of beige girls like me
    took over and I teenage told my mother
    no I’ll wear this cocktail dress dad bought me at nordstrom

    (I’m fine)

    there was a whole narrative arc. I “found” myself. I wore a sari to a wedding. I’m still kind of beige and most others have it worse.

    (I’m fine)