Concordia’s Loyola Campus Is Getting a Facelift | News – The Link

Concordia’s Loyola Campus Is Getting a Facelift

Renovations To Introduce More Greenspace to NDG Campus

Construction workers working on Loyola’s Sherbrooke entrance. Photo Sheena Macmillan

    By now many of Loyola’s students will have noticed the construction happening in front of the AD Building.

    Concordia spokesperson Vannina Maestracci said that “the landscaping work currently being undertaken will make the main access to the Loyola campus greener and more pedestrian-friendly.”

    According to Maestracci, the plans for renovation were requested by the borough of Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-De-Grâce.

    Before the work began, Loyola’s main entrance was a small parking lot with the Stinger’s colours painted in place of a crosswalk. The paint had begun to fade over time, and the asphalt was ridden with cracks and holes.

    Whenever passing in front of AD, after the crosswalk had ended, students had to be extra vigilant for cars pulling into the driveway or reversing out of parking spots.

    There were a few large planters lining the crosswalk, but the space was otherwise barren of greenery. The renovations are planning to remedy this issue of empty space being people’s first impression of Concordia’s Loyola campus.

    After the renovations are done in early November, “the entrance will include 11 new trees, a proper pedestrian walkway and surfaces that better absorb water and allow for more plant life,” she said.

    The cost of construction is $395,000, according to Maestracci. Included in the cost is “construction, plantings, professional fees, exterior furniture, signage, interdepartmental costs and preliminary studies,” she added.

    The landscaping work currently being undertaken will make the main access to the Loyola campus greener and more pedestrian-friendly. -Vannina Maestracci

    The campus’ main entrance, directly in front of the AD Building, has been blocked off since mid-October.

    Initially, the main entrance to the AD Building had been completely blocked off, but since then a small path has been made for people to pass.

    Until the renovations are done, students will have to walk through a two-foot wide path dividing the construction and the stairs of the AD Building to either enter AD or cross campus. There is no distinct division between the heavy machinery and construction and the students passing by besides some red caution tape.

    To avoid tip-toeing on the gravel and mud, students must walk on Sherbrooke St. W. or use one of AD’s many side doors to pass through the building.

    The renovations are also creating a momentary loss of 23 parking spots, including one wheelchair accessible parking spot.

    With all of this taken into consideration, the construction was purposely scheduled during the fall semester as opposed to the summer, where there would be less student traffic. It was arranged like this so the trees would acclimate better to their new environment.

    Maestracci said the experts they’ve been working with recommend they plant the trees before the frost, so the trees have a better chance of establishing themselves. If they had done so in the summer, the trees might not have done as well.