Concordia Art Offerings | Fringe Arts – The Link

Concordia Art Offerings

Interactive Map & Breakdown of On-Campus Art Groups and Facilities

The student-run VAV gallery. Photo Benjamin Allard
Performance-based research space Matralab. Photo Benjamin Allard
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With performances, galleries and arts-related research projects, Concordia is a hotbed of creative activity—even though a lot of it may go unnoticed by many non-fine arts students.

The problem of the insular art scene is as much a problem at Concordia as it is in the larger Montreal artistic community.

But that doesn’t mean the work isn’t around us at all times, and the benefit of these shows being at Concordia is that the artists producing work are supported by an incredible amount of guidance and resources, while the cost of seeing these pieces is minimal for others.

With the semester barely started, many faculties and galleries still haven’t hammered out exact schedules. But here’s a breakdown of some of the places you can go to see work by the Concordia arts community, as well as websites to keep an eye on as the semester progresses.

Maps Julia Wolfe
Ongoing Art Projects

HEXAGRAM-Concordia is a decade-old research-creation group that supports initiatives that bridge art and technology. HEXAGRAM is an umbrella institute that artists/researchers from the faculties of Fine Arts, Arts and Science and Engineering and Computer Science use to launch their research creations.

One HEXAGRAM-Concordia organization of note is Fluxmedia. Led by Tagny Duff, a bioartist and assistant professor in the department of Communications Studies, Fluxmedia bridges biology and art.

Works include the Cryobook Archives, small books made partially of human tissue that have been infected with a virus and are displayed frozen—in a suspended state. Another HEXAGRAM initiative is Matralab, a performance-based research group that seeks to incorporate art forms that are usually kept separate. Works include video, performance and text-based projects.

Research in performance art and installations has lead to theatre shows and books—such as the recently released Dialogues fantasques pour causeurs éperdus by Louis Patrick Leroux, an associate professor of playwriting and drama in the Department of English.

Free Upcoming Events

Studio 7
The dance department hosts six shows during the year in its studio. The events bring together artists, potential collaborators and the public.
MB Building (1450 Guy St., MB 7.265) / Jan. 25 at 8:00 p.m. / Feb. 15 at 8:00 p.m.

Writers Read presents Madeleine Thien
A literary night that brings well-known and emerging writers to Concordia to read and discuss their work with students will feature Thien, a multi-award-nominated Vancouver-based author.
J.A. de Sève Cinema (1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., LB-125) / Feb. 1 at 7:00 p.m.