There’s More to Independence Than an Application
This past Friday, Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas applied for formal recognition of Palestinian statehood at the United Nations General Assembly. This move, despite being symbolically uplifting for his constituents, was a step in the wrong direction for the Palestinian cause.
Sex & Pancakes
I can count on one hand the times I had sex sober but I can’t tell you how many people I slept with because I can’t possibly remember (30-40?). I need to stop using alcohol as a way to get close to people. I want to have a normal relationship one day. Help?
Porn With A Purpose
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is sparking controversy again with its recent announcement of an erotic website called peta.xxx that will feature porn in the name of animal rights. The site’s goal is to increase awareness about animal suffering.
Up for Sale?
Concordia University’s recent announcement that it will be forming the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies—courtesy of a $5 million donation from the Azrieli Foundation—raises some interesting questions. Specifically, it raises questions pertaining to the idea of the university being bought by those with personal wealth and an interest in backing their favourite cause.
‘Drastic Assault on Student Representation’
As it stands, undergraduate students control 10 per cent of 40 seats on the Board of Governors—the highest governing body at Concordia—and certain parties are interested in seeing this wholly inadequate number decrease even further.
Heard in the Hall
Tuition fees are on the rise, so we thought we’d ask students how far they’d go to stop them from going up. We roamed the halls of ConU to see if students would support going on strike for the sake of affordable education. Here’s what they had to say about it.
Whether you did so by dragging your feet, scurrying in confusedly or eagerly rushing through the doors, when you returned to school two weeks ago you were welcomed to (or back to) Concordia with barbeques, tabling fairs, music, food, free-flowing booze and friendly faces. And you have your student union to thank for that.
So, your class just finished and it’s time for you to head to the next one. Unfortunately, it’s located on the other campus. But you figure, “Hey, this isn’t so bad, I have 40 minutes to get there.”
Sex and Pancakes
I’ve been seeing a guy for a couple of months now, and we’re getting to the point where the “everything is awesome” stage turns into the part where you really get to know each other. Good news is, I still feel that we’re super-compatible—except for one small (or maybe not?) thing: I recently found out he has a foot fetish, and well, I don’t. I know this seems trivial, but I think sexuality is a really important part of who we are—and if this is a big part of his sexuality then, well, are we fundamentally doomed? If so, I’d like to find out before I get more invested…
Black Face, University Space
The group of white Hautes Études Commerciales students that were caught on camera last week donning blackface—in the name of ‘school spirit’—displayed mindboggling ignorance by claiming that they ‘did not want to offend anyone.’