A New Approach to Student Recruitment in China
After a few months of sobering reflection, Concordia University is taking several steps toward improving its recruiting practices in China.
2110 Centre & Missing Justice to Host Teach-In
The number of native women reported to have gone missing or been murdered in Canada over the past three decades varies greatly—depending on who you ask.
Shepard Looks Ahead to the Summit
Despite recently receiving some bad news in the form of last-minute budget cuts, Concordia President Alan Shepard has high hopes for ConU and the province’s university sector in the upcoming year.
The Burden of Budget Cuts
In response to recent cuts made to Concordia’s operating budget, the school’s administration has reached out to the ConU community in search of solutions to its newfound financial woes.
Chaos Continues on Council
On Jan. 9, starting more than half an hour late—due to the delayed arrival of pizza—the Concordia Student Union met for the first time this year.
Idling Once More
For the second time in less than a week, a trackside Idle No More protest closed down the most popular commercial rail line in the country.
Local Idle No More Movement Just Beginning
Hundreds of Montrealers sang and danced to vibrant drumbeats as they peacefully weaved through downtown this afternoon as part of a global day of action held in solidarity with the ever-growing Idle No More movement.
Café X Composting, Finally
After five months of firing off letters, emails and a petition to the university administration, the staff at Concordia’s Café X has finally acquired the little grey compost bin they have long been asking for.
#J11: First Nations Movement Goes Global
Tomorrow might be a pivotal day for the grassroots indigenous peoples movement growing across Canada and internationally.
CSU to Begin Campaigning Toward Education Summit
With about a month left before the long-awaited provincial summit on education takes place in Quebec, the Concordia Student Union is making a move.