Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
Sustainable Fashion Made Affordable
“Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better.”
Fringe Arts
Artist Profile: First Impressions of an Ecuadorian Whirlwind
Concordia University’s student-run VAV Gallery felt like most small school galleries. It had a glossy grey floor.
Fringe Arts
Emergent Rappers Refresh the Local Hip-Hop Scene
Up and coming hip-hop artist Shades Lawrence debuted their first music video and performed alongside hip-hop artist Bea da Vinci. Here’s our coverage of the video launch event!
Fringe Arts
Theatre Review: Black Boys Aims to Make its Audience Think
Theatre company SAGA Collectif has teamed up with Buddies in Bad Times to give us their production of Black Boys, a play that addresses the differences between the three actors’ shared experience of being queer Black men.
Fringe Arts
Erotic Art Market Shows Why There Should Be No Taboo Around Sexual Art
In the small, inviting space of the Eastern Bloc gallery’s romantically lit industrial rooms and corridors, over 100 people rolled through on Valentine’s Day to take in some erotic art.
Fringe Arts
Theatre Review: Student Production Invites Viewers to Explore Their Own Comfort Level
The student production of Creation Playground is focusing on the theme of “borders” this time around. It gets the audience out of their seats and onto the stage to face what’s happening.
Fringe Arts
Artist Profile: The Composing of Les Fillesharmoniques
Fillesharmoniques is an electroacousitcs band at Concordia formed by Julie Matson. Made up entirely of women and non-binary musicians, this group produces some sweet jams.
Fringe Arts
Concert Review: Brockhampton is Taking the Term “Boy Band” to a New Level
Brockhampton recently stopped by our city for their Love Your Parents tour and the result was explosive. They’re taking the term “boy band” and flipping it on its head. Here’s why.
Fringe Arts
Panel Discussion: The Imbalance Between Curators and Artists
At the Can You Keep a Secret? panel, artists Aleesa Cohene and curator Matthew Hyland discussed their experiences in the different artist-curator relationships they’ve had and what both mediums should keep in mind in those situations.
Fringe Arts
Symbols of Resistance Features Art for Social Impact
With Black History Month in full swing, the vernissage, Symbols of Resistance, is here and features Black artists who express their black identity in their work.