The Link’s Vol. 43 Mentorship Program | LinkBlog – The Link

The Link’s Vol. 43 Mentorship Program

The Link Publication Society is piloting a mentorship program to connect former Linkies to Volume 43’s staff and masthead. This program aims to provide specialized coaching and advice to the next generation and provide real-world training beyond journalism school. 

All staff writers are eligible to apply starting December 1st, 2022. Applications close December 31st, 2022 at midnight. If you are not currently staff but finish your 4 contributions and become staff during the application period, you can still apply as soon as you are eligible.

There are 10 mentors available and you can choose up to 3 to apply to work with. The mentors available are:

  • Award-winning journalist Christopher Curtis who founded The Rover and was former news editor at The Link.
  • Documentary photojournalist Liam Maloney, who has published in TIME, The Guardian, Foreign Policy, Mother Jones, Le Monde, The Globe and Mail and was The Link's former photo editor.
  • Paul Graif, news and sports director at K1037 Radio.
  • Matt D'Amours, television, radio and web reporter at CBC Montreal, former staff writer at The Link.
  • Julia Vargas Jones, CNN reporter covering national and international news.
  • Christopher Olson, writer and illustrator and the creator of Tremendous Tales, former literary arts editor at The Link.
  • Freelancer Laura Beeston who has worked for CJAD800, The Montreal Gazette, The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star, she was former editor-in-chief at The Link.
  • Colin Harris, digital producer at CBC News and worked with the Montreal Gazette, Ricochet Media, he was former coordinating editor at The Link.
  • Erika Morris, CBC Montreal's local reporter, former current affairs editor at The Link.
  • Jesara Sinclair, executive producer of CBC P.E.I., former fringe arts editor at The Link.

Mentors will select who they would like to work with. Successful applications will be given 4 total hours with their mentor, to be used before the end of the Winter 2023 term. We will notify applicants on the status of their application by Jan. 15. Mentors and mentees will arrange the mentorship sessions amongst themselves.

To apply, please fill out this Google form: The Link Vol. 43 Staff Mentorship Application - Winter 2023

If you have any questions about the application process or the program itself please reach out to:

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