NASH85: Delegate Selection | LinkBlog – The Link

NASH85: Delegate Selection

Every year, The Link takes part in the Canadian University Press’ annual national conference, also known as NASH. The conference gathers student journalists from across Canada, and Link delegates get the chance to attend media-related workshops.

This year, NASH will be hosted by The Silhouette at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario from February 17 @ 5pm to Feb. 19 at 2:30pm. The Link has sent its applications for the JHM Awards and will now select eight delegates (either masthead or staff) through a democratic vote.

At least one of these spots will be reserved for a staff writer. The other spots can be taken by masthead or non-masthead staff writers. To be considered a staff writer, you need to have contributed to The Link at least four times this volume or three times if you were staff last semester. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact Marianne Liendo-Dufort at

If you would like to nominate yourself as a Link delegate, you must write a letter of intent sent to The letter should mention why you think you should be selected,  what you plan to do at the conference, your experience with national or regional conferences, and how you plan to contribute to The Link for the remainder of the year. You will also need to explain how you plan to bring your newfound knowledge back to The Link once NASH is over.

Please complete the letter, as per The Link's conference attendance policy.  Only members of the Society who have contributed to the current volume of The Link and who have staff status shall be eligible to be delegates. 

Attendees are responsible for submitting a $50 deposit after being selected, which will be returned once their conference report is submitted after NASH. All delegates of The Link must submit a report of their activities at NASH within three weeks of the last day of the conference. 

The Link will cover the cost of NASH tickets, hotel and transportation: 

- NASH tickets include 6 meals. 

- The hotel booking is for 2 rooms that sleep 4 each. 

- Transportation is still being determined, but it will likely be by bus leaving Friday morning. 

Please contact if you have any questions.

Letters of intent must be submitted by Thursday, Feb. 9 at 11:59 P.M. The voting period will be a secret ballot held on Feb. 10 at 5 P.M. online and in the office for all those who apply.

For our full NASH Delegate Policy, read it here.

For more information, please email and

Eligible to apply: Alexa Toguri-Laurin, Anthony Issa, Aude Simon, Autumn Darey, Callista Mille, Cèdre Obeid, Conor Tomalty, Dallas Calvert, Diane Yeung, Elias Grigoriadis, Iness Rifay, Ivan de Jacquelin, Jaime Kerr, Jared Lackman-Mincoff, Kaitlin Gong, Liam Christim, Maria Cholakova, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Marianne Liendo-Dufort, Marilou Brickert, Mohammad Khan, Myriam Ouazzani, Nadine Abdellatif, Olivia Integlia, Renee Kennedy Barnes, Sandra Mouafo, Simon Feisthauer Fournet, Sophie Dufresne, Valentine Alibert, Vincenzo Mercuri and Zachary Fortier.

One contribution needed to apply: Alexandra Nackley, Clément Lechat, Hannah Vogan, Ibrahim Mahmoud, Kathleen Champoux, Meghan Kerr, Mélanie Tremblay Turgeon, Menel Rehab and Menna Nayel.

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