Reminder: Who’s running and how to vote on Sept. 28 | LinkBlog – The Link

Reminder: Who’s running and how to vote on Sept. 28

The Link's by-election for creative director will be held Sept. 28 at 5 p.m over Zoom. Here's who's running and how to vote.

Creative Director
Noemi Stella Mazurek

Her cover letter and portfolio can be viewed here. Voters are encouraged to read these ahead of time.

All staff members can vote in the election. Anyone can attend, and the Zoom link will be email to contributors. 

The following people are staff: Nanor Froundjian, Sheena Macmillan, Elias Grigoriadis, Joey Bruce, Michelle Malnasi, Olivia Piché, Peter Vryonis, Aude Simon, Caroline Marsh, Gabriela Vasquez-Rondon, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Reina Ephraim, Noemi Stella Mazurek

The following people need one contribution to become staff and vote: Sophie Dufresne, Marie-Ève Ducharme, Eva Wilson, Bri Kang

By-Election for co-news editors to be held Nov. 9 »

« By-Election for creative director to be held Sept. 28