Volume 37 Elections Are Almost Here | LinkBlog – The Link

Volume 37 Elections Are Almost Here

Tuesday March 1 @ 4 p.m. in The Link’s office

The Link is looking to grow our team and needs editors to fill next year’s masthead. All the positions are open.

Make the big calls and represent the paper. Through rain, snow and sleepless nights, you lead the troops of this paper to greatness.

Coordinating Editor
Direct the newspaper’s online content and stay on top of news, fringe, sports and opinion content cycles. Take on the mountain of the Internet through cunning social media strategy and innovative digital ideas.

Managing Editor
Journalism works because deadlines are enforced. Oversee the newspaper’s print production, keep editors and staff on their game, and make sure the paper comes out on time.

Current Affairs Editor
Put your magnifying glass to the week’s happenings and dig deeper. Curate in-depth features and give context to news around Concordia.

News Editor
Direct the online news content. Get to know every inch of Concordia and its politicos. Recite acronyms and chase the truth.

Assistant News Editor
Keeping up with everything around Concordia needs a strong tag-team. Ensure news coverage runs smoothly and help the news editor avoid insanity.

Opinions Editor
Separate the crazy from the coherent and put together one killer Opinions section. Hunt down the strong debaters and the columnist and give them a page to fill.

Copy Editor
Keep articles out of synonym hell and catch the mistakes, big or small. Make the boring stories exciting and the exciting stories even better.

Fringe Arts Editor
Expose all that’s cool and underground in Montreal. From gallery openings to bands with three name changes, you’re the go-to person for what’s up-and-up in arts.

Fringe Online
The online, regular counterpart to the fringe arts editor, you tell Concordia what’s worth seeing and what to avoid.

Sports Editor
Find the story behind the game. Give a voice to the athletes and highlight the great wins and tough times for all of Concordia’s teams.

Sports Online
Be the ultimate source of knowledge for all things Stingers. Fast stats, game recaps, video and podcast work are your wheelhouse.

Creative Director
Design the visual language of the newspaper. Lay it out, make it pretty and break design boundaries.

Photo/Video Editor
Capture the ups and downs of Concordia life. Snap photos and video of Stingers games, protests and everything in between.

Graphics Editor
You’re the illustrator extraordinaire. Find a way to visualize the tough stories and the easy stories, with the help of some great contributors.

Eligible to run:

Graeme Shorten Adams, Roxane J. Baril Bedard, Carl Bindman, Elysia-Marie Campbell, Jonathan Caragay-Cook, Alex Carriere, Matt D’Amours, Tristan D’Amours, Ocean DeRouchie, Noelle Didierjean, Josh Fischlin, Madeleine Gendreau, Zachary Goldberg-Mota, Caity Hall, Sarah Jesmer, Sam Jones, Laura Lalonde, Kelsey Litwin, Nikolas Litzenberger, Claire Loewen, June Loper, Sarah Lozinski, Ben Mayer-Goodman, Julian McKenzie, Julia Miele, Jon Milton, Vince Morello, Alex Perez, Nick Pevato, Michelle Pucci, Morag Rahn-Campbell, Riley Stativa, Willie Wilson, Elizabeth Xu

One more contribution needed:

Yacine Bouhali, Sara Capanna, Lindsey Carter, Matteo Ciambella, Gabriela de Medeiros, David Easey, Tessa Mascia, Shaun Michaud, Michael Wrobel, Jordan Stoopler

In order to be eligible, candidates must be current Concordia students who will be returning in the fall.

Applications for the positions must be posted by Feb. 23 at 4 p.m. in The Link’s office (1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Room H-649).

Applicants must have contributed to at least four (4) issues during the winter semester of Volume 36 and must include a one-page letter of intent and three (3) contribution samples.

Candidates for editor-in-chief must submit at least eight (8) samples of work from at least three (3) different sections.

For more information email editor@thelinknewspaper.ca.

Elections will be held Tuesday, March 1 at 4 p.m. All staff members are eligible and encouraged to vote in the elections.

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