Join The Link’s Board of Directors | LinkBlog – The Link

Join The Link’s Board of Directors

The Link is looking for members of the community to join its Board of Directors (BoD).

The BoD work behind-the-scenes. The BoD meets once a month to oversee the finances of the paper and is responsible for voting on the important decisions that shape the future of the newspaper. They are not responsible for The Link’s editorial decisions.

The Link is currently looking for two (2) members of its Staff, who do not hold an editorial position within The Link, as well as two (2) members of the community who have been members of the Staff in the last three (3) years.

The Link is also looking for one (1) member at large of The Link Publication Society, who does not hold an executive position within another university group.

Anyone interested in becoming part of the BoD can send their letter of intent to before October 15, 2024. Any questions about the role can be directed to any member of the management team, as well as the Business Manager.


Staff: Members of The Link Publication Society who have contributed four or more times throughout a volume of The Link.
Member of The Link Publication Society: A student at Concordia University, whose Link Newspaper student levy has been paid in full.

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