Madeline Coleman

  • Opinions

    Alive, Urban Obstruction

    My morning route is more of an obstacle course than a commute. If I’m not circumventing a phalanx of construction pylons or slamming on the breaks when someone decides to veer right without using their indicator, then I’m faced with another, more perplexing problem: a human barrier.

  • News

    Social Justice in the City

    Food and shelter are just the beginning of what a population needs to be happy, said Peter Marcuse at Concordia on Sept. 16—they need to “satisfy their aspirations” too.

  • News


    The union of Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia ratified its first collective agreement with the university on Aug. 31, guaranteeing base salaries for Concordia TAs and RAs and solidifying the job descriptions of all three levels of TAs.