Leslie Schachter

  • Photo of the Week

    Men sporting kelly green turbans celebrating St. Patrick’s Day.

  • Photo of the Week

    A participant in the 54th Annual Macdonald Campus Woodsmen Competition chops through a log at McGill University’s Macdonald Campus

  • Photo of the Week

    A woman tries on a head scarf at the launch of “Support Another / Se souvenir les uns les autres” at Place Jacques Cartier in the Old Port of Montreal on Sunday, January 12. The group called on Montreal residents to wear religious symbols to work on Monday in protest against Bill 60, the Parti du Quebec’s proposed charter of values, ahead of the hearings which begin on Tuesday.

  • Sports

    Photo of the Week

    Cyclo Nord-Sud held a used bike collection on Sunday at Co-op la Maison Verte in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. The Montreal non-profit sends used bikes to developping countries, last year collecting nearly 4,000…

  • Lenses BIG and small

    World Press Photo, the most prestigious international press photography contest, is back in town, bringing with it powerful images of newsworthy events across the world.

  • Fringe Arts

    Writers and NERF Darts

    People leave the house for two reasons: “to make out with somebody and to be surprised,” said Adrian Todd Zuniga, the host and founder of Literary Death Match.

  • Fringe Arts

    Using Language as Instrument

    Fráncois Marry describes himself as a DIY kind of guy. Under the band name, Fránçois and the Atlas Mountains, Marry has written songs, recorded and produced several albums, and directed a handful of music videos.