Graeme Shorten Adams

  • Standards

    Comic by Graeme Shorten Adams

  • Standards

    Comic by Graeme Shorten Adams

  • Special Issue

    Smile! You’re on (a Lot of) Cameras

    The data zeitgeist has swept over police departments worldwide, enhancing the recent practice of “predictive policing”—a methodology that sounds good in theory and looks like bloated surveillance in practice.

  • Opinions


    As nights deepen and I finally crawl into bed, my neighbour’s baby, almost without fail, begins reciting its screaming libretto. And, hands clamped over my ears, I fantasize about biting it.

  • Special Issue

    The Naming of Things

    In 1952, homosexuals were considered sociopaths. The first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, at the time a new attempt to bring psychiatric nomenclature in line with the modern era, listed homosexuality as a pathological fear of the opposite sex. This listing remained for over 20 years until protests and improved research saw the seventh printing of the second edition, DSM-II, change the category to “sexual orientation disturbance.”

  • Special Issue

    Against the Web

    “Less than 10 per cent of what the Internet is used for is good,” declared my professor of European history one morning, as students stared one another down across the picket lines of the Maple Spring.

  • Opinions


    I don’t want you to finish this issue thinking this newspaper unanimously supports The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

  • Opinions


    I’m just going to go ahead and say what so many of us are thinking. House music sucks.