Recommendation to Vote Chuck Wilson for CSU President | Letters – The Link

Recommendation to Vote Chuck Wilson for CSU President

It’s not often in student politics that one comes across a person as dedicated to the union, and with such a good sense of ethics and values, as Chuck Wilson.

Chuck has worked for years now developing and strengthening fair and just policies across several student groups. He understands rules and regulations, and he understands not bending them for his or his friends’ personal benefit. Chuck is the guy who doesn’t forget the rules when they’re complicated or inconvenient to apply, and he isn’t afraid to make the hard decisions.

Chuck is the kind of guy who will work with anyone and everyone, and I know this because he has already worked with anyone and everyone, from all sides of the political spectrum. He just wants to get the job done. It takes a special kind of person to buck the system and stay dedicated to the concept of abolishing executive slates and run independently for the office of President. That kind of person is a leader, and there is no better one available in this union right now than Chuck Wilson.

I was lucky enough to work with Chuck on Senate in the 2012-2013 year. It is hard to find anyone more dedicated than Chuck. Because Chuck does things, you should vote for him for President of the CSU!

He has done so much for the CSU on Council this year, and I have complete faith he is the best fit for President. Please vote for him during the elections to get our union some strong, competent, qualified, and, most importantly, independent leadership.