Letter in support of Experience CSU | Letters – The Link

Letter in support of Experience CSU

My name is Steve Lyberopoulos. I’m a third-year marketing and finance student at the John Molson School of Business and I currently fill the role of vice-president on the John Molson Sports Marketing Committee (JMSM). I’m writing this today in support of the Experience CSU team in the upcoming 2014 CSU General Elections. Through three years of student association involvement, I have had the pleasure to connect with numerous candidates on the Experience CSU team including Scott Carr, Maylen Cytryn, and Toshimi Muniz. Each of these individuals present their own unique ability that I believe is perfectly suited to more than competently represent the Concordia student body as a whole.

Scott Carr is a genius, simply put. His multi-faceted skillset spans across correctly and prudently managing large sums of money and being a natural-born problem solver and leader. There’s never a situation where I wouldn’t be able to go to Scott to ask for his advice in getting to the bottom of delicate issues regarding either financials or people.

Having shared an office with her over the past year, I can confidently and honestly say that Maylen Cytryn’s dedication is difficult to top. As vice-president of the marketing association, I have watched Maylen handle a workload that would bring just about anyone else to their knees, but one that never fazed her in the slightest. Her cogent and people-oriented work ethic makes her a serious asset and candidate for the VP Clubs and Internal Affairs position, and I have no doubt she would go above and beyond to take Concordia’s student life to the next level.

I have had the chance to work with Toshimi Muniz on a handful of occasions with JMSM. We hired him as on-site staff for our annual sports business conference last fall and Halftime conference this past March, and it didn’t take long for his ardent and passionate personality to rub off on the rest of our committee. His relentless focus on getting the job done right coupled with an approachable demeanour make him an ideal candidate to tackle issues of sustainability at our university.

All in all, I am exceedingly confident that these three individuals, along with the rest of the strong Experience CSU team, are going to redefine the standard of work ethic and success on the Concordia Student Union. I am excited for what they have in store for us, and you should be too.

Steve Lyberopoulos
President-Elect of the John Molson Sports Marketing Committee