I Support Experience CSU | Letters – The Link

I Support Experience CSU

Dear Concordians,

As president-elect of Casa Cares, I am writing to express my support for Experience CSU. Having worked with Melissa Payette (running President) and Sabrina Jorrin (running VP Student Life) at Casa Cares for almost a year now, I am confident that both will do an excellent job in representing the student body and better our University experience.

Since I joined Casa Cares in May 2013, I witnessed the consistent hard work of both Melissa and Sabrina throughout their mandate. Having Melissa as my president was a truly rewarding experience; her dedication, integrity and perseverance were a source of inspiration for our team and kept us striving for more. I believe that her determination and strong desire to have a positive impact on the community make her the most suitable candidate to represent the Concordia student body, act as a leader and work in collaboration with a team to achieve visionary goals that will improve student life.

I had the pleasure to work with Sabrina over the past few months, and I was astonished by her creativity, ardour and enthusiasm. Not only was she approachable at all times, but she also managed to use all the resources that were available to her to contribute to the success of all our events. Her passion and commitment show a keen desire to build relationships with others and make their university experience memorable.

I am therefore confident that Experience CSU will do a remarkable job at making Concordia a distinct and unique university where life goes beyond the classroom.

Sincerely, Frédérique Bouchard
VP Communications of Casa
Cares President-elect