CSU’s “Scream on the Green” event was hilarious despite small turnout | News – The Link

CSU’s “Scream on the Green” event was hilarious despite small turnout

We scream for finals… well, three of us do

Graphic by Christopher Tan

    The world’s most meme-able event took place at Concordia’s Loyola Green Space. The Concordia Student Union’s “Scream on the Green” invited students to take five minutes out of their day to let out their stress and yell into the open air.

    The event was scheduled for 1 p.m. on Nov. 30, and amassed a total of three participants including the organizer, CSU Loyola Coordinator S Shivaane. Shivaane recounted that she was inspired to host “Scream on the Green” by her theater classes that focus on intentional movement. She also noted that a person she follows on Twitter held a similar event in Singapore.

    “I just wrote it, stream of consciousness, at 2 a.m.” — S Shivaane

    The students who attended chatted for a few moments before Shivaane welcomed them to the event and counted down from three to start the screaming session. The participants' screams lasted for about 10 seconds and garnered a few strange looks from passersby, after which everyone promptly continued on with their days, rushing to classes or to turn in final assignments.  

    “I have a final due Friday and a final due Monday. I wanted to scream really loud,” said psychology student Eloise Delvat. She explained that although these quirky, student-run events are great, she tends to be disappointed by the turnout they garner. 

    “It was fun! You should have come,” she said, addressing students who didn’t attend.

    Shivaane explained, however, that she “wasn’t expecting a lot of people,” noting that it’s finals season, and even she barely had time to organize the event in the first place. 

    Still, she decided to go through with the idea and made sure it was included in the weekly CSU email. The blurb she wrote grabbed students’ attention with a fitting reference to Troy Bolton screaming into the void in High School Musical 3. “I just wrote it, stream of consciousness, at 2 a.m.,” she said. 

    Shivaane also mentioned there will be many other CSU wellness events before the end of the semester that can be found on their social media pages.