CSU president-elect weighs in | Letters – The Link

CSU president-elect weighs in

After serving Concordia students for a year, I prepare myself to put an end to one journey and start another.

Over the course of the 2009-10 academic year, it has been a pleasure to serve as the VP Services and Loyola at the Concordia Student Union—one of my highest privileges to this day.

I now prepare myself to become the representative of every Concordia undergraduate student, a truly honorable task that you have delegated me with. Quite frankly, I am very excited! For that, I would like to thank every supporter for his or her services and overwhelming sacrifices that helped make this campaign a success.

With the presence of several high-profile speakers, refurbishing of the Loyola Luncheon, living Loyola on ice, opening the CSU office in the SC building, providing coffee and snacks during exams on both campuses and shuttle bus stop, Concordia students truly experienced a Concordia renaissance this semester.

I would like to let you know that this is just the beginning. One year’s work wasn’t enough to prove my passion for representing you. As your president-elect, my team and I look forward to working with you and for you. Next semester will be an experience like none other.

As my team prepares to take office in June, we simply wanted to thank you for your support in entrusting us to carry on the torch to take the CSU to greater heights.

It is truly humbling to learn that students like you went out, speaking loud and clear for what they believed in. I was also thrilled by the fact that we strongly voiced our concern to become a CFS-free campus.

Thank you, fellow Concordia undergraduates, for making this possible.

_Prince Ralph Osei,
Concordia Student Union_

This article originally appeared in Volume 30, Issue 29, published April 6, 2010.