Caravonica is a One Clown Show | Fringe Arts – The Link

Caravonica is a One Clown Show

Quit Clownin’ Around!

This one clown show will have you bouncing in your seat. Photo Julia Miele

    With a charismatic demeanor and extremely expressive face, Jan Dutler brings his unique busking performance to The Wiggle Room at this year’s St-Ambroise Fringe Festival.

    Caravonica, a performance piece featuring Dutler’s persona of the same namesake, Caravonica the Clown, will keep you on your toes. With cleverly placed props, interesting pantomime, and skillful use of a variety of instruments, this show is something worth checking out.

    Having travelled around the world for the last decade, Dutler brings his experiences to the stage for the first time in this one-man show.

    “It’s physical comedy and musical performance. It’s basically a wrap up of my past ten years of travel and work experience,” says Dutler. “Part of my show is about my work experience on construction sites with different people speaking different languages—misunderstanding each other. It’s a show that’s very rich in sound, noises, and instruments.”

    Caravonica follows the story of Dutler’s clown persona as he travels around, expressing his passions, ideas, and his naïveté. “One of [Carvonica’s] strongest points is his connection with the people he meets. He’s very open,” Dutler explains in regards to his character. “The clown is based on me, on who I am.”

    The clown is based on me, on who I am. – Jan Dutler, Caravonica the Clown

    Staying true to his word, Caravonica interacts with the audience throughout the show, making sure they feel welcome and involved. Often glancing at the crowd with a mischievous look, he’ll laugh—giving a sense that you’re in on the same joke.

    Carvonica the Clown, played by Jan Dutler. Photo Julia Miele

    Along with a smile and laugh-inducing pantomime performance, Caravonica shows us his skillful busking style. From his catchy ukulele plucking to his dual harmonica tunes, this clown seems to find instrument after instrument from all over the stage until finally combining them all into one harmonious performance.

    The sound-layering makes for something both catchy and fun. Using a loop panel to record different sounds and play vocal effects, Dutler incorporates all of his melodies together as the audience bounces and hollers in approval for this beat.

    In this sense, the performer had every right to toot his own horn—also, he beatboxes. A beatboxing clown.

    Needless to say, Caravonica is a highly spirited show and is engaging to watch. Dutler will pull you into his story with his boisterous stage presence, fluid change in personality and expressions, and his energetic instrumentals.

    Even if clowning around isn’t really your thing, you’ll have a good time just watching Caravonica be his fun and creative self.

    Caravonica tickets and times available here