Graphics Editor By-Election to be held Feb. 20 | LinkBlog – The Link

Graphics Editor By-Election to be held Feb. 20

The Link's By-election will take place Monday, Feb. 20 at 3 p.m. over Zoom and in our H-645 office. The Graphics Editor position is available.

Those interested must read the job description before applying. Applicants must submit a one-page cover letter explaining why they think they’d be a good fit for the position and a portfolio of three past contributions to The Link. Applications will be accepted until Sunday, Feb. 19, 11:59 p.m., and must be sent to both and

All staff members can run and vote in the by-election.

To be considered staff, students must have contributed four times or three times if they were staff in the previous semester. For any questions about your eligibility email 

Eligible to apply: Alexa Toguri-Laurin, Anthony Issa, Aude Simon, Autumn Darey, Callista Mille, Cèdre Obeid, Conor Tomalty, Dallas Calvert, Diane Yeung, Elias Grigoriadis, Iness Rifay, Ivan de Jacquelin, Jaime Kerr, Jared Lackman-Mincoff, Kaitlin Gong, Liam Christim, Maria Cholakova, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Marianne Liendo-Dufort, Marilou Brickert, Mohammad Khan, Myriam Ouazzani, Nadine Abdellatif, Olivia Integlia, Renee Kennedy Barnes, Sandra Mouafo, Simon Feisthauer Fournet, Sophie Dufresne, Valentine Alibert, Vincenzo Mercuri and Zachary Fortier.

One contribution needed to apply: Alexandra Nackley, Clément Lechat, Hannah Vogan, Ibrahim Mahmoud, Kathleen Champoux, Meghan Kerr, Mélanie Tremblay Turgeon, Menel Rehab and Menna Nayel.

Two contributions needed to apply: Andraé Lerone Lewis, Anthony De Marte, August Fallone, Blake Saraga, Brie Shimansky, Claire Helston-VanDuzer, Dana Hachwa, Erika Tremblay, Gabrielle Laperrière-Leblanc, Isabelle Devi Poirier, Jess Marshall, Lilly Junod, Mégan Le Stum, Myrialine Catule, Naomi Waters, Olivier Paiement, Patrick Joseph McKenna, Sarah-Maria Khoueiry and Zevida Germain.

Reminder: By-Election to be held Feb. 20 »

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