The Link is holding a Special General Assembly | LinkBlog – The Link

The Link is holding a Special General Assembly

The Link will be holding a Special General Assembly on Oct. 12, at 12 p.m. to appoint new members to our Board of Directors.

Candidates for the Board must forward letters of intent by Oct. 4, 2024, at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, to

The list of candidates will then be advertised and published by The Link preceeding the meeting.

The S.G.A will be held in person at The Link office, situated on the seventh floor of the Concordia library building, and will be accessible via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out by 9 a.m. on Oct. 12.

The purpose of the Board is to ensure the proper fiscal management of the budget of The Link and to ensure that the by-laws of the Society are honoured. The Board shall not have control over the editorial content of The Link, except where the content violates an article of the Society by-laws.

To learn more about the Board, visit The Link's by-laws.

Call for Applications: Apply for the Doug Leslie Bursary »

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