An Update From The Link Regarding Our Final Print Issue | LinkBlog – The Link

An Update From The Link Regarding Our Final Print Issue

The Link will be cancelling the printing of its final magazine of Volume 40, the Mental Health issue. This wasn’t a quick or easy decision, but ultimately, it was the one to make in the extreme circumstances presented to us by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

However, if you were already writing an article for the magazine, the plan is to publish these on our website.

As for our regular online content, we will try to keep you up to speed on what’s happening around the city and with Concordia as the COVID-19 situation progresses. We will be publishing at a reduced rate to allow our masthead and contributors the time and energy they need in this extreme situation. If you have pitches or questions, please still contact the appropriate section head.

We’re really excited to show you what we still have in store for the end of Volume 40, and we’ll be back in print for Volume 41.

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