Sara Shaltony – The Link

Sara Shaltony

  • News

    16 Schools Launch Campaigns to Leave CFS

    Across Canada, 16 schools announced last week they are coordinating to leave the Canadian Federation of Students.

  • Fringe Arts

    A Photograph of 3,000 Lives

    On August 27, 1979, a 30-minute-long trial in Iran—in which no evidence was presented—declared 11 defendants “corrupt on Earth” and ended with a hasty death sentence of all accused.

  • Fringe Arts

    Relocated, Dislocated

    In his film A World Not Ours, Palestinian filmmaker Mahdi Fleifel masterfully pieces together one of the most hushed narratives…

  • News

    Alternative Press in the Gaza Strip

    Alternative media is growing to be as essential to journalism as a picture is to a story. In both cases, what was once a complimentary partnership quickly evolved into a symbiotic relationship.
    “Independent and social media [are] much more relevant [than mainstream and mass-media] to the pulse of societies around the world,” said Stefan Christoff, a Montreal-based journalist and activist. “Of course investigative journalism is still crucial. It has a power that Twitter will never have.”