Jon Milton
Protesters Occupy Montreal Office to Oppose Building of a Cement Factory in Quebec
The factory, if completed, will emit between 1.8 and 2.2 million tonnes of Co2 per year, according to Canada’s environmental ministry. This would increase Quebec’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions by ten per cent.
Protesters Shut Down Jewish Defense League at World Social Forum
Members of the Jewish Defense League had driven to Montreal from Toronto with the intention of disrupting Palestine solidarity events at the ongoing World Social Forum.
World Social Forum Takes to the Streets of Montreal
An estimated 10,000 people took to the streets of downtown Montreal on Tuesday afternoon to commemorate the opening of the World Social Forum.
Understanding Systemic Racism in Quebec
Police racism goes beyond the disproportionate likelihood for people of colour to be killed by police. Police also engage in violent, unnecessary arrests of people of colour; and communities of colour have significantly higher police presence than white communities. Finally, the Human Rights Commission and justice system have failed to adequately protect communities of colour from systemic racism.
Montreal North Protest Held for Man Killed By Police
“Justice for Bony! Justice for Fredy!” the crowd screamed into the snowy night.
Lessons from a Successful Anti-Police Brutality Demonstration in Montreal
The Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP) annual march against police brutality, for the first time in years, actually finished without being subjected to massive police violence.
Fight Where You Stand
As racists and fascists play an increasingly large role in our society—and on a global scale—it is important that we learn about how to effectively fight against them.
Concordia Students Organize Panel on Pipeline Resistance
The panel called, “No Pipelines: What’s Next?” took place on the seventh floor of Concordia’s Hall building on Tuesday.
CATs Welcome Concordia President
Concordia president Alan Shepard stands nervously, surrounded by a crowd of students.
Refugees and Me
Let’s make solidarity the defining aspect of our response, not fear and xenophobia.
Special Issue
Remembering the Father of Social Ecology
Murray Bookchin “died in 2006 a disappointed man,” said Janet Biehl, the author of Ecology or Catastrophe: The Life of Murray Bookchin. At the time of his death, his dream of social revolution had failed to materialize.
Special Issue
Sustainability Means Attack
Sustainability is about more than just riding your bike to work, eating less meat and composting. It’s about transforming the social systems that have been imposed on us from models based on extraction, into ones based on mutual aid and reciprocity.
Why I Won’t Be Voting on October 19
What happens when no one represents your values? Worse yet, what happens when the parties competing for leadership become virtually indistinguishable from one another?