Geoffrey Vendeville
Marching for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
To the sound of drums and chanting, hundreds of people marched on the night of Oct. 4 in remembrance of missing and murdered indigenous women.
Residents Want to Keep the Malt In St. Henri
Local artists and residents of St. Henri met along the banks of the Lachine Canal in the shadow of the dilapidated Canada Malting Plant Saturday, Sept. 21 in protest of a plan to redevelop the building into residences.
A Laundry Service on a Mission
Located in a former garage off Parthenais St. and Ontario St., La Buanderue, or StreetSuds, is the only industrial laundry service in the city with a social mission.
Human Rights Complaint Filed for Trans People
Sonya Fiset was at a loss when she tried explaining what it was like for her to grow up in a man’s body.
Jazz Fest: The Sweethearts
You can tell by the way Shaina Hayes and Austin Tecks-Bleuer sneak glances at each other on stage that they are in love.
Coming Together for Dragon Flowers
After Tamey Lau lost her Mile End flower shop in a devastating fire the night of April 23, thousands of people from the neighbourhood, and others as far away as Vancouver, came to her support. Every day since the fire, customers and friends have dropped by the boarded-up store to offer their sympathy and donate money to help rebuild Dragon Flowers, a Mile End fixture of 27 years.
“La Belle Saison” to Unionize
St. Rémi has all the trappings of a small Québécois town. Walking west down its thoroughfare, Notre-Dame St., you pass a fast-food joint, a depanneur and a bank before reaching the local church—a handsome, 170-year-old grey stone building with twin white spires.
Magic on the Mat
If you ask any wrestler on Concordia’s varsity team about their teammate David Tremblay, the words “leader” and “role model” are never very far from their lips.
The Post-Summit Scramble
Cameron Monagle says the Quebec government referring to the indexation of tuition fees as a “relative freeze” is a “load of baloney.”
Special Issue
A Safe Space in the Church Basement
Since she was eight or nine years old, Jessica Malz felt she was unlike any other girl she knew. While her friends chased boys around the schoolyard at recess, she remembers usually running after the girls.
A View From the Summit
As the Summit on Higher Education came to a close, Quebec Premier Pauline Marois concluded, “there are no losers here today.”
Education Summit Begins in Montreal
After months of anticipation, debate, protest and political posturing, Quebec’s promised two-day summit on higher education began today.
“For Five Minutes They Get to Be the Superhero”
If you were to ask Peter Montour to pick his proudest moment as part of the Kahnawake Survival School wrestling team, he would have trouble choosing just one.
Café X Composting, Finally
After five months of firing off letters, emails and a petition to the university administration, the staff at Concordia’s Café X has finally acquired the little grey compost bin they have long been asking for.
Does Concordia Have a Military Complex?
Last week, The Link received an email—subject “Concordia’s Military Complex.”
Fringe Arts
Something Publishing Happening
When Concordia’s literary magazine, The Void, held an open call for submissions in 2011, fiction editor Jack Allen received a story so full of “misogynistic, racist, and violent” content, he knew it couldn’t appear in the pages of a student publication.
Concordia Profs Weigh In On US Election Results
Three professors from Concordia’s political science department and a history professor convened on Thursday to analyze the 2012 American Presidential election.
Fringe Arts
Dial M for Mind-Blowing
In a city internationally recognized as of late for producing music acts like Arcade Fire and Grimes, M for Montreal was founded to help local bands, and other artists, make the same leap onto the big stage.
“It’s Time to Tear Down This Wall of Silence.”
A crowd of more than 150 people packed the sidewalk and overflowed into the street in front of the offices of the Fraternité…