Emily Campbell
Special Issue
Reimagining Waste
Engineers at Montreal-based Terragon Inc. want to change the way the world views its trash—to consider it rather, as fuel.
Dishonourable Discharge
As I was travelling home by metro this week, I was greeted by a new advertising campaign directly targeting my gender.
Why I’m Stepping Down as CUTV Chair
I’m Emily Campbell, I study broadcast journalism and political science at Concordia University and I am the chair of the board of directors of Community University Television in Montreal.
“A New Chapter”
They may have lost their iconic frontman last week, but CLASSE is ready to kickstart a new chapter in the student movement.
ConU Cancer Breakthrough
It seemed like a miracle when Concordia’s Biology department published their discoveries on the effects of lithocholic acid, but the scientists involved warn the public not to get ahead of themselves.
Concordia ‘Staches’ Cash
Over $7500 have been raised by a Concordia Movember team in the fight against prostate cancer—and the campaign isn’t over yet. The team consists of 34 co-ed members from Concordia’s Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology,
Fringe Arts
Addicted to Humour
I introduced myself to O’Shea a few days earlier, at an open mic at The Works, a hole-in-the-wall Montreal comedy club. That night, he won over the audience with dirty jokes about eating pussy and a dating service for the suicidal. He was voted best of open mic by the audience—news to him, because he’d left right after his set.
Tea-ing Off Security
Members and sympathizers of Concordia’s culture-jamming club überculture had a near run-in with Montreal police on Oct. 18—for drinking tea.A rotating group of five to six activists sat on the floor of the foyer of the Hall Building for their annual tea party in a peaceful publicity stunt to protest the lack of student space.
Hundreds ‘Die’ Near Phillip’s Square
Hundreds of protestors staged their death at the corner of Ste. Catherine Street West and McGill College Avenue on Sept 22.