David Easey – The Link

David Easey

  • News

    Escape From Syria

    A local organization, Hay Doun, welcomes Syrian refugees to Montreal.

  • Fringe Arts

    Inside the Volcano

    On a dreary, rainy November evening, rumors circulate that an underground queer dance party is taking place somewhere within the city, drawing all sorts of characters out from their hideouts.

  • Opinions

    Silent Smoker Subculture

    Light slowly penetrates the curtains as fragments of dust glitter through the stagnant dry air, and I awaken from my heavy slumber. My thoughts for a few seconds are pure and innocent—then suddenly I remember, I need my fix. *

  • News

    Get ‘Em High

    Some students are turning to the illicit use of study drugs to catch up.

  • Fringe Arts

    An Artful Resistance

    Concordia’s Centre for Ethnographic Research and Exhibition in the Aftermath of Violence opened an exhibition that encapsulates the years of Pinochet’s totalitarian rule. Artifacts were brought in exclusively from the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, and divided thematically into three separate portions: the coup, the resistance, and finally freedom, offering a more palatable framing of Pinochet’s control.

  • Opinions

    Behind the Scenes of ASFA’s Launch Week

    I naively applied to be a Launch leader, not really knowing what the job entailed, but thought it would be a great opportunity to meet new people and have some fun. What resulted was a chaotic week filled with many highs and lows, which felt more like a high school experience than a university orientation.