Alex Ocheoha – The Link

Alex Ocheoha

  • Letters

    Letter: GSA Needs More Transparency

    It’s been almost six months since the present Graduate Student Association team took office, and they should have overcome their learning curve by now.

  • Letters

    What Is Next for the GSA?

    The 2014-2015 year has not been a good year for the GSA because not much was delivered.

  • Letters

    The Upcoming March 26 GSA General Assembly

    The upcoming Graduate Student Association’s general assembly on March 26 brings to mind the awful assembly on October 23, 2014. I was interested in bringing matters regarding GSA’s accreditation to the notice of members at that assembly, but was disappointed with what happened.

  • Special Issue

    You Are Where You Live

    Architectural spaces that are of different shapes, sizes and colours and that are made of different materials affect our mood differently.

  • News

    Nanyang Business School Wins 34th John Molson MBA Case Competition

    The Nanyang Business School took home the Concordia Cup and a $10,000 prize last weekend, finishing first at this year’s John Molson MBA International Case Competition.

  • Special Issue

    Off-Road Righteousness

    The Baja racing team at Concordia has set lofty goals of top ten finishes in all competitions they’re slated to compete in this year. Preparation for their first race is already underway.

  • Letters

    Concerns about the GSA Accreditation Process

    I believe if a process is wrong, the result is also wrong.

  • Sports

    Concordia Soccer: Stingers Keep Slipping

    The Stingers men’s soccer team had hoped to record their first win of the season against Sherbrooke on Sunday but were left extremely disappointed after the final whistle.