CSU Executive Salaries for 2016-2017 Academic Year Revealed | News – The Link

CSU Executive Salaries for 2016-2017 Academic Year Revealed

All Coordinators Receive a 9.7 Per Cent Bonus

Graphic Morag Rahn-Campbell

    The Concordia Student Union’s executive team from last year has received a 9.7 per cent bonus on their salaries, which are paid throughout their mandate.

    CSU councillors gathered to speak about the bonuses at a council meeting on May 10. As per the usual procedure, the executives are asked to leave the room while councillors had the discussion. The salaries and bonuses are calculated during the summer, and therefore aren’t public until then.

    “We considered last year to be a fairly successful year for the executive, obviously never perfect, but a lot got done,” said CSU councillor Rowan Gaudet. “Council was willing to reward them as they saw appropriate.”

    Since 2015, CSU council has awarded every executive the same bonus percentage. In 2016, the past CSU General Coordinator Terry Wilkings said that his team explicitly asked to be awarded the same bonuses.

    “Because the CSU works in a non-hierarchical way, the executives should get the same bonus,” said Julia Sutera-Sardo, CSU councillor, and the Arts and Science Federation of Associations’ current interim president. “They worked in a non-hierarchical way the entire year [so council] thought it would follow suit with the way [we allocate bonuses].”

    Gaudet said that most of council was satisfied because it was a stable, and almost scandal free year.

    Adrian Longinotti, the former CSU finance coordinator was not awarded any bonuses for his work during the 2016-2017 academic year. Longinotti was asked to resign in Nov. 2016 by the rest of the CSU executive team when they released a statement alleging that he had violated the CSU’s safer space policy on many occasions.

    “It had to do mostly with the reasons for which he stepped down,” Gaudet said of the decision to not award Longinotti a bonus.

    Thomas David-Bashore is receiving a smaller bonus as he became the finance coordinator at the end of November, following by-elections which took place shortly after Longinotti’s resignation.

    He added that the team also did a great job continuing previously started projects, like the CSU daycare and the co-operative housing project, which is a joint effort from the CSU and the Unité de travail pour l’implantation de logement étudiant.

    The housing project’s location was revealed to be on the corner of Papineau Ave. and Sherbrooke St. E, which is next to Parc Lafontaine, and construction will begin this summer. The project also received a $500,000 contribution from the city of Montreal.

    The CSU Daycare was demolished throughout the 2016-2017 academic year, and plans for its construction were drawn up.

    The teams mobilization against the proposed international tuition hikes that the university was proposing was praised by council as well.

    The bonuses this year are a .01 per cent increase when compared to the bonuses awarded to the 2015-2016 executive team.