The Endless Board | News – The Link

The Endless Board

Board of Governors Ignores Term Limits

Thirteen of the Concordia Board of Governors’ 23 community-at-large members have exceeded the maximum term limit set out in the university’s guidelines—some by more than a decade.

While governors are limited to two consecutive terms of three years, they may be allowed to sit for additional terms in “special cases.” Forming the majority on the 40-seat board, the highest governing body at Concordia, the community-at-large governors hold the board’s chair and vice-chair positions.

The longest serving member of the board, Lillian Vineberg, is currently in her sixth term over a span of 17 years.

“I’ve asked the question and I’m waiting for an answer,” said Chris Mota, the university’s spokesperson, when asked why more than half the governors were special cases. “I had the same question.”

Last Wednesday, the Concordia Student Union’s Council approved a motion that called for the 13 governors who have exceeded their term limit to be removed.

Neither Mota nor the university was aware of the motion from Concordia’s student representatives.

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 19, published January 18, 2011.