Open Letter to Peter Kruyt | Opinions – The Link

Open Letter to Peter Kruyt

Open letter to:
Mr. Peter Kruyt

Chair, Board of Governors

Concordia University
In light of the unexplained and arbitrary dismissal of Concordia University president Judith Woodsworth, we the undersigned members of the Concordia community demand a thorough and public review of the governing structures of Concordia University, with particular attention to the constitution and the powers of the Board of Governors. In light of a series of dismissals and departures from the university’s senior administrative ranks – specifically, the firing of two university presidents in three and a half years and the resignation of five vice-presidents in six years – the Board appears to have assumed the role of a modern-day star chamber, acting according to its own dictates, accountable and answerable to no one. It is an abuse of power. As evidence of the Board’s cavalier governing style, the press release announcing Dr. Woodsworth’s departure was released on Dec. 22, just as the university was to close for the Christmas holidays, and sought to deceive the university community and the public by stating the president resigned “for personal reasons” when we now know her resignation was forced by the Board.

These dismissals and departures cost money that faculty members, staff and students are constantly told the university does not have. They hurt Concordia’s reputation within the academic world and in the eyes of the public at a time when we are supposed to be building that reputation. They hurt the chances of recruiting future leaders; who would want to be a senior administrator at Concordia knowing the rug can be pulled out from under them at any time and with no explanation? And these decisions run the risk of rendering cynical and jaded the university’s front-line workers — staff, students and faculty members alike — who work in so many ways to make this institution one we can be proud of.
What is particularly distressing about these dismissals and departures is that they serve to overshadow and detract from all the good things going on at Concordia University.
The Board of Governors is the senior governing body at Concordia University, responsible for its legal and administrative framework. Twenty-three of the 40 members of the board represent the “community-at-large,” but in fact represent a very narrow segment of that community given that the vast majority are from the corporate sector. At its upcoming meeting in February, the Board seeks to cut faculty membership – from six to four members. Five external Board members sit on the all-important Executive, Nominating and Senior Salaries committees, constituting an elite clique within the Board itself.

As a significant first step in this review, we ask that the Board of Governors issue a clear statement of its vision for Concordia University and how its actions – including its recent personnel decisions – serve that vision.


Charles Acland
Professor and Concordia University Research Chair, Communication Studies

Amir G. Aghdam
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Arshad Ahmad
Associate Professor & 3M National Teaching Fellow, Department of Finance

Ali Akgunduz
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Martin Allor
Professor, Communication Studies

Gisele Amantea
Associate Professor, Studio Arts

Aishy Amer
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Vered Amit,
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Ingrid Bachmann
Associate Professor, Studio Arts

Lady Rojas Benavente
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Sabine Bergler
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Beverley Best
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Sandeep Bhagwati
Canada Research Chair and Associate Professor, Music and Theatre

Yves Bilodeau
Professor, Studio Arts

Peter H. Bird
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Pascale Biron
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Frederick Bode
Professor, History

Kathleen Boies
Associate Professor, Management

Eleanor Bond
Associate Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts

Marc André Brouillette
Professeur agrégé, Études françaises

Terence Byrnes
Associate Professor, English

William J. Buxton
Professor, Communication Studies

Eric Buzzetti
Associate Professor, Liberal Arts College

Jason Camlot
Associate Professor and Chair, English

Saul Carliner
Associate Professor, Educational Technology

Jarrett A. Carty
Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts College

Owen Chapman
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

Maurice Charland
Professor, Communication Studies

Yogendra Chaubey
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics
Vasek Chvatal
Canada Research Chair, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Tim Clark
Associate Professor, Faculty of Fine Arts

Ailie Cleghorn

Professor, Education
Sandra Cochrane

Assistant to the Chair, Journalism
Roy Cross

Associate Professor, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

Giuliana Cucinelli

Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

Galia Dafni

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Daniel Dagenais

Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Valérie de Courville Nicol

Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Danielle Dennie

Librarian, Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry and Physics

Michael Despland
Professor, Religion

Jill Didur
Associate Professor, English

Mary di Michele
Professor, English

Ivana Djordjevic
Assistant Professor, Liberal Arts College

Ali Dolatabadi
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Isabelle Dostaler
Associate Professor, Management

Peter Downie,
Senior Lecturer, Journalism

Charles Draimin
Associate Professor, Accountancy

Andrew Dutkewych
Professor, Studio Arts

Mary Esteve
Associate Professor, English

Associate Professor, Photography

Mehdi Farashahi
Associate Professor, Management

Carolyn Fick
Associate Professor, History

Debbie Folaron
Associate Professor, Études françaises

Maximilian C. Forte
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Jane Francis, PhD
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages & Linguistics

Barry Frank
Professor, Physics

Marcie Frank
Professor, English

Mariana Frank
Professor, Physics

Andre Furlani
Associate Professor, English

Brian Gabrial
Associate Professor, Journalism

Monika Kin Gagnon
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Chantal Gagnon
Lecturer, Études françaises

Mike Gasher
Associate Professor, Journalism

Pierre Gauthier
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Wahid Ghaly
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering

José Antonio Giménez Micó
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Peter Gossage
Professor, History

S K Goyal
Professor, Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems

Patrick Gulick
Professor and Chair, Biology

Cynthia Hammond
Assistant Professor, Art History

Richard J. Hancox
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

George W.M. Harrison
Scholar-in-Residence, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Ibrahim Galal Hassan
Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Hugh Hazelton
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Judith Herz
Professor, English

Dr Kristina Huneault
Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Chair, Art History

Norman Ingram,
Professor and Chair, History

Mikhail Iossel
Associate Professor, English

Andrew Ivaska
Associate Professor, History

Wilson Chacko Jacob
Assistant Professor, History

Christine Jamieson
Associate Professor and Chair, Theological Studies

James E. Jans
Associate Professor, Psychology

Christine Jourdan
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Sylvia Kairouz
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Sara Kennedy
Assistant Professor, Education

Gregory Kersten
Professor and Concordia Research Chair, John Molson School of Business

Nawwaf Kharma
Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Ed King
Associate Professor, Political Science

Hershy Kisilevsky
Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Stan Klasa
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Anna Kruzynski
Assistant Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs

PK Langshaw
Associate Professor, Design and Computation Arts

Jean-Roch Laurence
Associate Professor and Chair, Psychology

Barbara Layne
Professor, Studio Arts

Greg LeBlanc
Associate Professor, Economics

Claire Le Brun-Gouanvic, Ph. D.
Professeur titulaire, Études françaises

Martin Lefebvre
Concordia University Research Chair, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

Benoit Léger
Professeur agrégé, Département d’Études françaises

Loren Lerner,
Professor, Art History

Jason E. Lewis
Associate Professor, Computation Arts

Denis Liakin
Professeur agrégé, Études françaises

Michael Lipson
Associate Professor, Political Science

Edward Little
Professor, Theatre

Lisa Lynch
Assistant Professor, Journalism

Shiping Ma
Associate Professor, Exercise Science

Sheila Mason
Professor, Philosophy

Mia Massicotte
Systems Librarian

Rosanna Maule
Associate Professor, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

Andra McCartney
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Jennifer J. McGrath

Associate Professor, Psychology

James S. McLean
Assistant Professor, Journalism

Shannon McSheffrey
Professor, History

Mamoun Medraj
Associate Professor, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Margie Mendell
Associate Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs

Nikos Metallinos
Professor, Communication Studies

Elizabeth Miller
Professor, Communication Studies

M. Ayaz Naseem
Associate Professor, Education

Françoise Naudillon
Associate Professor, Études françaises

Brad Nelson
Associate Professor and Chair, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Ursula Neuerburg-Denzer
Assistant Professor, Theatre

Greg Nielsen
Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Chitu Okoli
Associate Professor, Management Information Systems

Olga Ormandjieva
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

David Pariser
Professor, Art Education

Kevin Pask
Associate Professor, English

Virginia Penhune
Associate Professor, Psychology

Martin Racine
Associate Professor, Design and Computation Arts

Goretti Ramírez
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Norma Rantisi
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Enn Raudsepp
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Journalism

Elena Razlogova
Associate Professor, History

Shelley Reuter
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Luis Rodrigues
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Christopher A Ross
Professor, Marketing

Lorna Roth
Professor, Communication Studies

Alison Rowley
Associate Professor, History

Catherine Russell
Professor, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

Andrew G. Ryder
Associate Professor, Psychology

Jonathan Sachs
Associate Professor, English

Daniel Salée
Professor, School of Community of Public Affairs and Political Science

Lionel J. Sanders
Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Kimberly Sawchuk
Professor, Communication Studies

Rosemarie Schade
Principal, Loyola International College

Richard F. Schmid
Professor and Chair, Education

Tim Schwab
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

David M. Secko
Assistant Professor, Journalism

Leslie Regan Shade
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Mahesh C. Sharma
Associate Professor, Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems

Frances M. Shaver
Professor and Chair, Sociology and Anthropology

Eric Shragge
Principal, School of Community and Public Affairs

Bart Simon
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Sherry Simon
Professor, Études françaises

Matt Soar
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Reza Soleymani
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Crawford Spence
Assistant Professor, Accounting

Rae Staseson
Associate Professor and Chair, Communication Studies

Kate Sterns
Associate Professor, English

Jeremy Stolow
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies

Katharine Streip
Associate Professor, Liberal Arts College

Leila Sujir,
Associate Professor, Studio Arts

Mark Sussman
Associate Professor & Chair, Theatre

Gavin Taylor
Lecturer, History

Annette Teffeteller
Associate Professor, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

Patricia A Thornton
Professor, Geograpy, Planning and Environment

Craig Townsend, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Pavel Trofimovich
Associate Professor, Education

Joanne Turnbull
Associate Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Pouya Valizadeh
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Peter C. van Wyck
Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Michael von Grünau
Professor, Psychology

David Waddington
Assistant Professor, Education

Haidee Wasson
Associate Professor, Cinema Studies

Xavier Ottenwaelder
Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Thomas Waugh
Concordia Research Chair, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema

Janet Werner
Associate Professor, Studio Arts

Joanna L. White
Associate Professor, Education

Rolf Wuthrich
Associate Professor and Concordia University Research Fellow, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Vladimir Zeman
Professor, Philosophy

Yong Zeng
Professor and Canada Research Chair, Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering

William Zerges
Associate Professor, Biology

Wei-Ping Zhu
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering