Fringe Arts
Fringe Arts
Designing poetry
What do the words “radical typographic experimentation” mean to you? Nothing? Then you need to get yourself a copy of Four Minutes To Midnight (23:56).
Fringe Arts
Anglo writers on Montreal survival tactics
Every year, hundreds of young anglophone writers are lured to Montreal by English and creative writing programs and by the promise of living in a city with a vibrant and diverse cultural life. And every year, hundreds of students graduate from those English programs and move back to cities like Toronto, where they seek out work as writers, playwrights and graphic novelists. For many, the challenges of trying to make a living as an Anglo writer in Quebec seem too great. Blue Metropolis’s Reading The World From Montreal panel will feature four English-speaking writers discussing the difficulties of being an Anglo writer in Quebec.
Fringe Arts
Living on the edge of appropriateness
Who wants to wait to be discovered when self-discovery is right at your fingertips? Daniel Pelissier sure doesn’t. “I’m not going to wait for someone to ask me to publish my photos, I’ll just do it myself and have fun with it,” said Pelissier, co-founder of Young Healers, a local photography zine that opts for a DIY esthetic. The zine publishes photographs of emerging artists Pelissier deems worthy of attention.
Fringe Arts
It’s all true
“When I was making the zine, I never let the impermanence of the medium change the way I wrote,” said Jeff Miller of the 15 years he spent writing his Ghost Pine zine. “I would always make sure that it was not just good enough, but as good as it possibly could be, which I think is one of the only ways to grow as a writer.”
Fringe Arts
Andrew Piper predicts the future of the printed word
Books have survived the gramophone, radio, television and the audio-book. But will they survive the iPad?
Fringe Arts
No objectivity in war reporting
Where does censorship start? Does it begin with the government cracking down on what’s allowed to be reported on? At the editor or publisher’s desk? Or does it begin and end with the journalists themselves?