Occupation for Social Housing | Pic Picks – The Link

Occupation for Social Housing

Members from the Front d’action populaire en réaménagement urbain occupied the building of 60 Milton St. to bring attention to the lack of attention on social housing in Montreal, on May 23.

In a statement, FRAPRU said the building has been vacant for several years. The action came during a week of actions by the organization in opposition to rent increases, evictions and to encourage the use of vacant buildings for new housing projects.

Following the occupation by around 15 activists, Montreal riot police surrounded the building and blocked entry inside. Around 50 additional activists stood on Milton chanting slogans in favour of more resources for social housing. Several times activists attempted to throw bags of bread through the second floor window.

Other than one arrant bag of bread which hit a riot police officer on the head, the protest went largely without violent incident.

Hours later, the activists came out on their own accord after police prepared a battering ram and threatened to storm the building.

They were released from police custody shortly after.

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