If I Was in Love with Someone Who Has HIV/AIDS, Would it Be Unwise to Keep Sleeping With Them? | Sex & Pancakes – The Link

If I Was in Love with Someone Who Has HIV/AIDS, Would it Be Unwise to Keep Sleeping With Them?

Sexpert Mel Fuller and co-host Sara DuBreuil answer Concordia students’ juiciest questions:
  • If I was in love with someone who has HIV/AIDS, would it be unwise to keep sleeping with them?
  • Do you feel that men in general are becoming more concerned with their physical appearance because of mass media ?
  • How do I introduce food into the bedroom in a non-gross way?

Use the in-track comments to skip to a question.

Do you have any questions for Mel? Email radio@thelinknewspaper.ca. Don’t worry! All questions are kept confidential, so those pesky out-of-province university students won’t find out.

Melissa Fuller is a sex educator and the creator of Sex & Pancakes, a weekly sex and relationship advice column in The Link. A Concordia grad, she is now studying Sexology at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).

Concordia’s New Visual Journalism Diploma Program »

« Link Radio | April 3, 2014