Between Light & Darkness: The Sonia Balazovjech Dance Company | FringeBlog – The Link

Between Light & Darkness: The Sonia Balazovjech Dance Company

The Link watched as The Sonia Balazovjech Dance Company ironed out last-minute kinks at their final dress rehearsal of Mid-Winter Night’s Dream, at Canvas loft space in Lachine.

What followed was a whirlwind of five sold-out shows over the course of three days, ending with a well-deserved and much-enjoyed afterparty on closing night.

Beyond providing audiences with an evening of warmth, wine and crafty choreography, the show served as an early launch for the company’s next major performance—slated for February of 2014.

SBDC’s next production will raise funds for, and work alongside, the organization Leave Out Violence. LOVE uses media to promote a message of non-violence amongst young people through artistic outlets such as photography and song.

“What I really want to do is join forces with the students, because they have produced some incredible work already,” said Sonia Balazovjech, the company’s founder and dancer.

“I’d like to take their work and translate it into dance somehow.”

Cameras: Brian Lapuz & Leslie Schachter
Editing: Leslie Schachter & Colin Harris

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