We’re going to Nash! | LinkBlog – The Link

We’re going to Nash!

Each year, the Canadian University Press organizes a national conference where student newspapers from all across Canada gather for a week of lectures, workshops and networking with other newspapers and real-world journalists. This year the National Conference (Nash) is happening in Victoria, BC, from January 11 to 15. The Link is sending 8 delegates there.

Nash also features the Johnies Award, rewarding the best articles, photos, illustration of student journalists across Canada. Currently the following Link’s articles have been nominated:

Diversity Reporting

Meagan Wohlberg, Living in Limbo: A Refugee Claimant from Cameroon is in Immigration Purgatory

Arts and Culture Writing

Christopher Olson, The End of the Bookstore Cat?

Josh Davidson, Fringe Foodie


Peter Haeghaert, Occupy Montreal

Follow Laura Beeston, Julia Wolfe, Julia Jones, Adam Kovac, Pierre Chauvin and Hilary Sinclair for live updates throughout the conference.

Come by on January 20th at 4pm for our Back from Nash workshop at The Link’s office in H-649.

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