Reminder: By-Election for community editor to be held May 11 | LinkBlog – The Link

Reminder: By-Election for community editor to be held May 11

The Link's by-election for community editor will be held May 11 at 5 p.m over Zoom. The community editor's job will be to lead recruitment efforts and grow The Link's readership.

All staff members can run and vote in the by-election.

Those interested must read the job description before applying. Applicants must submit a one-page cover letter explaining why they think they’d be a good fit for the position for which they're applying and a portfolio of three contributions to The Link. This package must be submitted no later than May 4 at 4 p.m.

Applications must be sent to by 4 p.m. on May 4. Please include in CC. Questions can be sent to

To be considered staff, students must have contributed four times to four separate issues.

The following people are staff: Nanor Froundjian, Marcus Bankuti, Sheena Macmillan, Elias Grigoriadis, April Tardif-Levesque, Alexandre Denis, Ray Resvick, Joey Bruce, Nicholas Dundorf, Esteban Cuevas, Olivier Neven, Michelle Malnasi, Mzwandile Poncana, Olivia Piché, Evan Milner, Parker Sherry, Peter Vryonis, Aida Karkas, Aude Simon, Benjamin Zeiniker, Caroline Marsh, Dylan Buvat, Gabriela Vasquez-Rondon, Mariana Chajon Oliveros, Reina Ephraim, Philippe Champagne, Morgan Moakler Jessiman, Diane Yeung, Noemi Stella Mazurek, Sophie Dufresne, Maria Chabelnik, Brie Shimansky, Thomas Quinn, Morgan Moakler Jessiman

The following people need one contribution to become staff and run or vote: Florent Aniorte, Léa Beaulieu-Kratchanov, Matthew Skelhorne, Abegail Ranaudo, Rhea Giuliana

By-election: Who’s running and how to vote »

« By-Election for community editor to be held May 11