Want to Represent The Link at Nash81? | LinkBlog – The Link

Want to Represent The Link at Nash81?

Every year, The Link takes part in the Canadian University Press’ annual national conference, also known as NASH. The conference gathers student journalists from across Canada, and Link delegates get the chance to attend workshops about the media from the pros. There’s also an awards ceremony—the JHM Awards, aka the Johnnies—that honour the best student journalism in Canada.

And once the sun goes down there’s lots of time to party.

This year NASH is in Calgary and takes place from Jan. 3-6. After sending off our applications for the JHM Awards, we’re now ready to pick some delegates through a democratic vote.

The Link is sending four people to NASH this year. One of those spots is reserved for the editor-in-chief and another spot is reserved for a staff writer. The other two spots can be taken by masthead or staff writers. To be considered a staff writer, you need to have contributed to The Link at least four times this volume. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please contact Miriam at editor@thelinknewspaper.ca.

If you’d like to nominate yourself as a Link delegate you’ll need to write a letter of intent. It should mention what you plan to do at the conference. You should also explain why we should we should select you specifically, your experience with national or regional conferences, and how you plan to contribute to The Link for the remainder of the year. You’ll also need to explain how you plan to bring your newfound knowledge back to The Link once NASH is over.

Your letters of intent need to be printed, and posted in our office by Monday, Nov. 26 at 5 P.M. Voting for the delegates will happen before our pitch meeting the next day at 5 P.M.

Good luck and see you in Calgary!

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