Sarah Lozinski – The Link

Sarah Lozinski

  • Fringe Arts

    The Other Side of the Story

    Four current and former Concordia student-directors from the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema recently made their debut at Les Sommets du cinéma d’animation, one of Montreal’s acclaimed film festivals.

  • Fringe Arts

    Breaking Down RIDM’s 2015 Edition

    The 18th edition of the Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal—also known as RIDM—is currently in the second week of its two week run.

  • News

    Being a Better Bystander

    “Your wasted friend staggers out of the bar with some guy. Do you stay and keep dancing?”

  • Fringe Arts

    A One on One with Guy Maddin

    The Forbidden Room, co-directed by Guy Maddin and Evan Johnson, was selected to be the closing feature of Festival du Nouveau Cinéma.

  • Fringe Arts

    The Link’s Guide to the Festival du Nouveau Cinéma

    The Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, one of Montreal’s most prestigious film-festivals, is taking off for its 44th year. The Link spoke with one of the festival’s programmers, Julien Fonfrède, about the highlights and focuses of the lineup.

  • News

    Many Projects Planned for Transgender Concordia This Year

    In response to what they believe to be a critical need within Concordia University, Transgender Concordia—in partnership with Queer Concordia—is launching the Gender Empowerment Fund, a project conceived by board members at the beginning of last year and in development since November 2014.