Sam Rosenberg – The Link

Sam Rosenberg

  • Fringe Arts

    The Ivory Coast

    Local chamber folk-jazz septet Bent by Elephants are magicians. Despite the fact that they’re, well, seven people, pulling off a mini-orchestral sound—they do it while escaping the trap of being pretentious.

  • Fringe Arts

    Weekly Spins

    Ensorcelor are arguably Montreal’s premier blackened doom-mongering horde, straight out of the burgeoning St. Henri scene surrounding the Death Church and Fattal. They work to channel the pitch-black feeling that frozen earth imposes on us, forging sweeping, riff-laden landscapes of snow-covered vastness.

  • Fringe Arts

    Weekly Spins

    The Babies are a newborn jangle pop/retro-rock outfit from members of Brooklyn bands Woods and Vivian Girls. As Peter Pan attempted to do with soap, the Babies’ self-titled debut tries to glue the shadow of rock ‘n’ roll’s past to a present lo-fi aesthetic using the leftover bubble gum from the recent Beach Boys-fab craze in indie rock.