Megan Dolski
Volunteering Abroad Just Got Easier
Starting next year, the Concordia Student Union will be awarding two students with bursaries for their volunteer work.
JSA Folds
The Journalism Student Association may cease to exist next year. Only one person ran in
this year’s election, which wasn’t enough to meet the association’s necessary requirements to form. -
First Post
During last year’s Concordia Student Union elections I was (bows head in shame) your standard politically apathetic and totally uninvolved student.
Hey Ho! We Don’t Know?
Most reporters at The Link are used to covering protests, but some of the newspaper’s staff members found themselves to be the target of one upon stepping outside the office yesterday afternoon.
Busk a Move
Echoes of Johann Sebastian Bach resound through the basement walls of the Saint-Jean-Berchmans church on Cartier Street in Rosemont.
Banking On Cavities
I hate going to the dentist. Even if its just for a simple cleaning. The poking, the prodding, the little water spritzer and its air sucking partner-in-crime—I just think the whole experience is awful. I recently had my teeth cleaned in Arizona over reading week.
Hive Launch Delayed
The Concordia Student Union’s plans to open a student run café at Loyola’s The Hive this month have encountered a few minor obstacles, delaying the project’s opening until later this year.
Bill 94 Unveiled
Much debate, controversy and discussion surrounded the tabling of Bill 94.
‘A Lot to Do, and Little Time’
One year after a massive earthquake ravaged Haiti, the country is in the midst of battling an ongoing outbreak of cholera and struggling with political unrest.
Queen Mary Road Businesses Fight Eviction, Gentrification
An eviction notice is prominently on display atop the bar in Rodos restaurant.
Textbooks’ Price Might Drop
The price of textbooks could drop by 10 to 15 per cent overnight.
This isn’t a scam, or a Black Friday special. A national student group is calling on the government to stop allowing distributors to add taxes to the textbooks they import. -
‘A Giant Islamaphobic Seizure’
University of Berkeley professor Wendy Brown did not fly all the way from California to speak to Montrealers about a piece of cloth.
She also had no intention of discussing how the West appears to be in the midst of having a giant Islamophobic seizure. Nor the way in which, considering all the things that are happening in the world, it seems remarkable to her that we are so preoccupied with women’s clothing. -
‘Building a Socialist Party in Quebec’
Students and workers are paying for the mistakes of multinational corporations, said Joel Bergman, a member of upstart political party Quebec Solidaire and the International Marxist Tendency.